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Join us for another great night of music on Saturday, January 27 at 7 p.m. at Neffsville Mennonite Church. Performers include Ministers of Music, organist Gregory Gehman, the Radiettes, and Lancaster Mennonite School’s alumni male ensemble. Tickets and more information are available at lmhs.org or by calling 717-393-9745. Tickets are $22 for individuals, $15 per person for households of three or more. Register at lmhs.org, or by calling 717-393-9745.
Ven a otra gran noche de música el sábado 27 de enero a las 7 p.m. en Neffsville Mennonite Church. Artistas incluyen Ministers of Music, organista Gregory Gehman, los Radiettes, y el conjunto de música de ex alumnos de la Escuela Menonita de Lancaster. Boletos cuestan $22 por persona, $15 por persona para familias de tres o más. Inscríbete en lmhs.org o llamando al 717-393-9745.