New LMC Staff: Mercedes Thomas Mercedes Thomas joined the LMC staff as the new Communications Director in October. Mercedes is excited to help LMC communicate our mission, vision, and values in clear and engaging ways and find new ways to connect cross-culturally and cross-generationally. She has her BA in English and Communications and an MA in Ministry.
Celebrating 500 Years of Anabaptism While the theme of this issue—liminality and communitas—may seem like a strange, modern-day idea, it is actually a defining characteristic of the early Anabaptist movement (even though they didn’t use the same words to define it). A movement or a people that embodies liminality and communitas is one that embraces risk as a community together, dedicated to pursuing the Gospel mission. We see this unity… Read More
Communitas: An Essential Practice for Movement By Rodney Martin The word “communitas” is not one we use on a regular basis. Perhaps we have never even heard of this word. And now LMC is using it, and it can seem strange and alien. This strangeness does not diminish the significant meaning that communitas has for LMC in being a Spirit-led, disciple-making, Jesus Movement. To be a movement necessitates a church culture… Read More
Juntos en Misión Escrito por Mercedes Thomas Aceptar el riesgo y el desafío con los demás Conocí a Jesús a los dieciocho años sentada en el suelo polvoriento de un centro de retiros. Había empezado mi primer año de universidad deprimida, sola y buscando un sentido. Y ahí es donde Jesús me encontró, en un momento crucial de mi vida en el que miraba hacia atrás a lo… Read More