
LMC congregations are grouped together in geographic districts. Oversight of each district is provided by a bishop or supervisor. Several bishops give oversight to more than one district.

Bishop R. Alan Kauffman


Central Penn District

Bishop since 2021

Alan Kauffman’s vision is to encourage local congregations to see themselves as missional outposts in their communities, using their unique giftedness to make disciples and make use of the opportunities God gives to share the Good News of Jesus’ love for the whole world.

Bishop Rodney A. Martin

Conestoga River District

Bishop since 2018

Rodney Martin’s vision is to see congregations engage with the Missional work of Christ in their neighborhoods while cultivating multi-cultural and multi-generational communities of faith.

Bishop Joe Miller

Conestoga River District

Bishop since 2018

Joe’s vision for the congregations and members he walks with is that Christ will live in their hearts and that they will be rooted and grounded in love. He prays for the members he serves that they will be so filled with the Spirit that they will be witnesses of the Good News of Jesus to the people God places in their path.

Bishop Omar Guzman

(347) 313-1303
Evangelical Garifuna Mission
Bishop since 2022

Omar Guzman’s vision along with those in the Evangelical Garifuna Mission is focused on the Biblical text of Mark 5:18-20 where Jesus tells this man to return to his family and tell them what He has done for him. Their vision is the planting of churches and the multiplication of new communities of faith. They, too, go to their communities to tell what Jesus has done with each one of them.

Bishop Eric Lehman 

Franklin District
Bishop since 2023
My vision for Franklin District is to follow the example set by the early church as described in Acts 9:31 ESV. “So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up.  And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.”

Bishop Randy Smith

Franklin District
Bishop since 2023
Bishop Randy’s vision is to encourage pastors and congregations; to grow in their love and devotion to Jesus, to develop disciple-makers, and to strengthen their communities for the glory of God.


Bishop John H. Miller 

Great Lakes East District
Bishop since 2022
John’s vision is for the churches to experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit as they did in the early church, and to help equip and train the believers for the work of ministry, resulting in most of the ministry taking place outside the four walls of the church.

Bishop M. John Nissley

Great Lakes West District

Bishop since 2021

My vision for the Great Lakes West District is expressed in Colossians 2:2 (NIV): “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.”

Bishop Lloyd E. Hoover

Groffdale District

Bishop since 1995

As an overseer, Lloyd Hoover’s vision is to equip leaders to help other leaders build healthy congregations.

Bishop Robert S. Brody

LanChester, New Danville, and Willow Street-Strasburg Districts

Bishop since 2015

Robert Brody’s desire is to see congregations flourish in the context of their local communities, partnering with other congregations to create a network where they serve one another. For each member of the church he hopes they may state as Paul did to the Thessalonians: “We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too.

Bishop John Drouillard


LanChester, New Danville, and Willow Street-Strasburg Districts

Bishop since 2023
John’s desire for the Church is for her to realize she is a movement led by the Holy Spirit and not four walls and a steeple.

Bishop Mark Wenger


LanChester, New Danville, and Willow Street-Strasburg Districts
Bishop since 2023
Mark sees local congregations as outposts of God’s mission to bless their communities through the good news of Jesus Christ.

Bishop Michael Clemmer

LanChester, New Danville, and Willow Street-Strasburg Districts
Bishop since 2023
Mike’s vision is to collaborate with a bishop team as we serve, encourage, and equip our churches and leaders in their important work of making disciples of Jesus and multiplying faith communities.

Bishop Keith W. Blank

Landisville-Manor District

Bishop since 2015

Keith Blank’s vision is to empower, equip and support pastors as they lead in their respective congregations. His life mission statement is “to equip, raise up, and mobilize leaders in the body of Christ while modeling an obedient, Spirit-filled life thereby enabling others to see their own gifting and calling.”

Bishop Daryl L. Weaver

Martindale District

Bishop since 2014

The development of vision and leaders in the Martindale District as well as effective communication are areas Daryl is excited about pursuing with the goal of seeing thy kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven.


Moises Angustia

New York District

Bishop since 2022

Nicolas Angustia

New York District

Bishop since 2003

Hyacinth Banks Stevens

New York District

Bishop since 2022

Bishop Dale Rintelman

North Penn District

Bishop since 2020

Bishop Tuyen Nguyen


Philadelphia District

Bishop since 2009

Tuyen Nguyen’s vision is to glorify the Lord in Holy Spirit led church growth through the transformation of individuals and communities in training and mission to the ends of the world according to the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bishop Alvin C. Motley

Philadelphia District

Bishop since 2009

Al Motley’s vision is to be a pastor to pastors and to help develop leaders and their churches by the Word and will of God to continue to be effective in the kingdom.

Supervisor Samuel Lopez
717-354-9192 (office)
717-468-1515 (cell phone)

Spanish District (CIES/Shalom)

Supervisor since 1994

As a supervisor, Samuel has a vision to encourage and support pastors and congregations to have a healthy spiritual life and ministry and to fulfill God’s call on their lives.

Bishop Lee Miller

(941) 321-7132

Southeast Mennonite Conference

Bishop since 2020

Our vision is to encourage pastors and congregations to actively participate in Christ’s reconciling ministry in the world as understood from an Anabaptist perspective and to acknowledge and organize ourselves around Christ’s last command to go and make disciples in God’s Kingdom.

Bishop Eligio Nuñez
(407) 575-7796

Southeast Mennonite Conference

Bishop since 2022

Our vision is to encourage pastors and congregations to actively participate in Christ’s reconciling ministry in the world as understood from an Anabaptist perspective and to acknowledge and organize ourselves around Christ’s last command to go and make disciples in God’s Kingdom.

Bishop Juanita Nuñez
Juanita (407) 575-7758

Southeast Mennonite Conference

Bishop since 2022

Our vision is to encourage pastors and congregations to actively participate in Christ’s reconciling ministry in the world as understood from an Anabaptist perspective and to acknowledge and organize ourselves around Christ’s last command to go and make disciples in God’s Kingdom.

Bishop Louis Kabamba

(717) 951-4909

Susquehanna River District

Bishop since 2022

Louis Kabamba’s vision for the Susquehanna River District is to help pastors and ministry leaders bring revival in our churches, impact the community with the transforming message of our Lord Jesus Christ, and bring lost souls to Christ.

Bishop Brian Martin

717.445.6348, ext. 102

Valley-Mountain PA-East District

Bishop since 2020

Brian desires to grow healthy leaders and leadership teams—who inspire healthy leaders and leadership teams to enthusiastically engage the local church in the active mission of God in their community and beyond.

Bishop Eric Marshall

Valley-Mountain PA-East District

Bishop since 2020

Eric Marshall’s vision is to collaborate with a team of bishops to build church leaders, strengthen congregations, and expand Christ’s Kingdom

Bishop Joshua Rivera


Valley-Mountain PA-East District

Bishop since 2025

Joshua is committed to empowering leaders to cultivate personal health while equipping others to hear God’s voice, develop a daily connection with Him, and walk in obedience to His leading. Joshua’s passion lies in helping individuals lead with purpose, live with intention, and experience the transformative power of a life surrendered to God.


Bishop James Weick

Valley-Mountain PA-East District

Bishop since 2020

Jim is eager to help pastors to connect with, and develop, a new generation of leaders; and to encourage the people in their congregations who feel the pull of the Holy Spirit to launch out and start Jesus’ communities of all shapes and sizes.

Bishop Glenn Kauffman


Washington-Baltimore District

Bishop since 2008

Glenn Kauffman’s vision is to coach and encourage pastors and their leadership teams to grow as healthy, multiplying, life-transforming congregations in the body of Christ.

Bishop Josef V. Berthold

West End Network

Bishop since 2018

We are a community of communities:
Called from many backgrounds into one family,
Welcomed by Christ, &
Sent to reproduce discipling communities.

Bishop Paul T. Livengood

Western Maryland District

Bishop since 2023

Bishop Tim Darling

Bishop since 2009

Oversees Agape Fellowship Church

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