Friday Night Plenary (Adalberto Santiago)
Saturday Morning Session (Sessions in English & Espanol)
Saturday Evening Session (Jeremy Miller)
Sunday Morning Plenary (Keith Weaver) and Introduction to the Bishop Elder Team (Keith Blank, Rodney Martin, and Marcia Mylin)
And more (Youth Promo, CCL Promo)
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Keith Weaver September 26, 2020~The LMC Fall Leadership Assembly transitioned to an online ZOOM platform due to health concerns.
James Weick & Raquel Rivera September 26, 2020~The LMC Fall Leadership Assembly transitioned to an online ZOOM platform due to health concerns.
Steve Shank September 26, 2020~The LMC Fall Leadership Assembly transitioned to an online ZOOM platform due to health concerns.
Samuel Lopez & Adalberto Santiago September 26, 2020~The LMC Fall Leadership Assembly transitioned to an online ZOOM platform due to health concerns.
Three video clips where Keith Weaver updates the LMC fellowship of Anabaptist churches on Missional Vision, Circles of Relationship, and Changing Structures.
Celebration of Church Life, 2020, Keith Weaver, State of LMC, Part 1 (Youtube Video)
Celebration of Church Life, 2020, Keith Weaver, State of LMC, Part 2 (Youtube Video)
Celebration of Church Life, 2020, Keith Weaver, State of LMC, Part 3 (Youtube Video)
Glenn Kauffman addresses LMC about stepping into God’s welcoming rain in several different ways with his address A Topsy Turvy World.
Celebration of Church Life, 2020, Glenn Kauffman Plenary Address (Youtube Video)
by Conrad Kanagy. Sept. 28, 2019; in Elizabethtown Mennonite Chruch, PA at the Fall Assembly Leadership
Every Member a Missionary, session 1, Conrad Kanagy (Youtube Video)
Discerning God’s Mission and Calling for LMC, Conrad Kanagy (Youtube Video)
A group from LMC traveled to Ethiopia for a 10 days trip in August to the Meserete Kristos College. The travel group consists of LMC Bishops – Alvin Motley, Glenn Kauffman, Keith Weaver, Jim Sutton, Rodney Martin; and LMC Global Delegate, Pastor Tom Eshleman.
Did you miss Keith Weaver’s LMC Update at Celebration of Church Life?
Watch it here: State of Conference address
Marvin Lorenzana Prezi presentation at Celebration of Church Life can be found at this link:
Lorenzana Prezi
Visit the LMC YouTube Channel to see more videos.