East 400 – How do I handle conflict between me and people of other cultures? The Intercultural Conflict Styles (ICS) inventory is designed to help us understand our conflict style during conflict with someone of a different culture. In this workshop, participants will complete the inventory online, receive the results immediately after submitting the inventory, and begin to learn about how they behave during conflict with someone of another culture. Participants will be invited to sign up to begin a one-year experience using the Intercultural Development Inventory, to learn to shift perspective and adapt their behavior around cultural differences and cultural commonalities. Requirements to Participate: Full Name. Email Address. Laptop, tablet computer or smartphone. (Capacity: up to 25 participants) Karl McKinney is the Intercultural Leadership Minister for LMC, helping followers of Jesus in the pursuit of justice. He has followed Christ in intercultural relationships within culturally diverse communities, since 1983. He has lived among and served people without homes and he has managed affordable houses and complexes, both for immigrants to the USA and a diverse clientele. He also has served on teams to form new congregations, pastor existing congregations with long histories, and serving leaders in urban, rural, and suburban contexts in the conferences of Mennonite Church USA and in LMC.
Sanctuary – Guiados por el Espirtu Santo. Caminaremos por la Palabra de Dios, identificando el propósito del Espíritu Santo y la necesidad de manifestarse en la Iglesia en representación del Gobierno de los Cielos en la Tierra… Adalberto Santiago se unió a LMC como el nuevo Ministro de la Conferencia en diciembre de 2021. Ha estado pastoreando la Congregación Menonita Shalom en New Columbia, PA. desde 2009. A la fecha se desempeña a nivel del Consejo del CIES y parte del Comité Ejecutivo del CIES. También es parte del Comité de Credenciales, la Junta de Obispos y la CEC. Adalberto y su esposa Jenny viven en Milton, PA., tienen cuatro hijos y cuatro nietos.
East 402 – APEST Culture. This seminar will explore Five-Fold Ministry as described in Ephesians 4 and its implications for your personal discipleship and local ministry. Marvin Lorenzana serves as President of EMM and hopes to see all believers moving in God’s mission.
East 403 – Passionate Incarnational Witness. We envision communities of Jesus-followers who, by abiding in Him and embodying who He is, cultivate peaceful relations with their neighbors and bear witness to God’s ministry of reconciliation in Jesus the Messiah. This is a call to incarnational witness directed and orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. Jonathan Bornman seeks to keep in step with the Holy Spirit, living in the Kingdom of God now, under the lordship of Jesus. Jonathan and Carol have lived and served in Burkina Faso and Senegal. He cares deeply about equipping the church for life-giving witness to neighbors everywhere! Jonathan is a social anthropologist and filmmaker.
East 404 – Ways to share your faith and make disciples. This seminar will focus on Matthew 28:18-20 and the challenge from our Lord and Savior on making disciples. Al Motley is the senior pastor at the Way Thru Christ Ministry in Chester PA. He’s pastored this ministry for 34 years. He is also one of the bishops that serve on the LMC Bishop Board and he oversees churches in the Philadelphia District. He’s been married for 43 years to the same woman Maxine L. Motley and through their union they have two children and two nephew’s they raised as their own. Also they have several grandchildren, and another one on the way. To God be the glory for his many blessings.
East 405 – Fruitful Discipleship. We will explore a discipling process and culture that goes beyond producing competent church members. By gleaning from the example of Jesus and also the early New Testament church, we can help nurture world-changing ambassadors for Christ! This will be full of practical examples and ideas. Jim Weick is a member of the bishop team of the Valley Mountain PA East district with Eric Marshall and Brian Martin. He has a wealth of experience mentoring young men and helping them and others to reach their potential and pursue their true calling in Christ.
East 406 – The Art of Spiritual Care – “Process of Becoming.” This creative seminar is for anyone who is seeking to integrate a faith-based healing arts process with their daily discipline of dwelling in the Word. Healing arts is a process art movement to help improve mind, body, and soul awareness (stress management) for mental health, emotional, and spiritual wellness. After a short introduction, participants will have the opportunity to discover, explore, and enjoy creating a personalized mini art journal cover through a mindful Spirit-led visual arts reflection of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. No art skills are required. Sandra Granthon-Roman was born in Peru and raised in Lancaster City from age 10. She graduated from Penn State University with a BA in Integrative Arts (major in Architecture Design) with minors in Architectural History and Sociology. She is an Artist, Teacher, and Upholsterer with a mission to share the JOY OF CREATION through her creative business, ALCHEMY. She lives in Millersville, PA with her husband Alexis Roman. They attend Iglesia Restauración en Cristo in Mount Joy, PA. 20-person limit.