In this next season, let’s grow as a Spirit-led movement, and embark together on a journey of discovery. Let’s deepen our times of “Dwelling in the Word” to not only notice but also discern and respond to the Spirit of God inviting us into a next step with Him. Let’s join a movement practice used in wide and various ways around the world called “Discovery Bible Study”.
What is it that we want to discover? We long to be with God and sense His communicating presence in our personal times of connecting and in our corporate times of sharing and worship. We want to discover and cultivate an ever-deepening relationship with the fulness of God in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We also want to discover more and more of what it means to walk in communion with God each step along the way, be empowered by the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, and then to live out what we hear from the Word in the community of God’s people.
Bible – In a focused way we want to connect with God and one another around the Scriptures, allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us in our reception of God’s great love for us and God’s call for each of us to walk in the power of the Spirit so our lives are transformed bit by bit to reflect more of Jesus.
Study – Is not about preparing for a test, like school, where the knowledge is crammed into our minds. Rather it is about diligence, and priority to being formed as a People of God around the Word of God who hear and respond to the Spirit of God. Priority to profound encounters with the fulness of God in Father, Son, and Spirit so that we can truly be transformed.
As a way of embarking on this journey together we are inviting the people of LMC, in faith, to begin meeting in clusters (preferably less than 10 persons) to participate in Discovery Bible Study. The goal is to hear the Holy Spirit speak to us as we gather around God’s Word. How that is done can vary. One way to proceed through a Discovery Bible Study is proposed below
a. Connect – What are you thankful for? What is a challenge you are facing? How did you do with last week’s “I will” statement? How can I support/pray for you (How can I help)?
b. Discover – Read the passage. Have someone put it in their own words. What stands out to you? What does this text say about God? What does this text say about people?
c. Go – How can you specifically put into practice what the Holy Spirit of God is inviting you to in this passage in the next few days?Focus this thought by creating an “I will…” commitment statement. Tell the group: Who are you going to tell about what you discovered in the next week?
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you?
What is the Holy Spirit showing you to do?
How can I/we support/pray for you (How can I/we help)?