Endowment Fund Application ~ Education Grants

Education Grants: leadership enrichment, education, and development opportunities – due January 15 and July 15 each year.

LMC Education Grant

Consolidated Application for LMC Education Grants (STEP)


    Applications will be reviewed and grants awarded by the LMC Grant Committee in August and February. Applications should be submitted to the LMC Office by July 15 for the Fall cycle and by January 15 for the Spring cycle. Applicants must be a member of an LMC congregation. Please complete all information requested or indicate “none” or “not applicable” if that applies to your situation. Please note that reference letters must be submitted in order for the application to be considered complete. All information submitted in the application form is confidential and reviewed only by the LMC Grant Committee.
  • Grant Criteria

    Applicants must meet the following general criteria to be eligible for a grant:

    1. 1. Applicant must be a member, leader, or emerging leader of an LMC congregation.
    2. 2. Applicant must supply two written recommendations.
    3. 3. Preference will be give to applications that demonstrate congregational commitment and support.
    4. 4. The Grant Committee will look at the following: available funds and number of applicants, congregational assistance, courses supporting Anabaptist Theology, applicability to ministry in LMC, references and recommendations submitted. For more information see the Grants brochure here.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

    For what course of study is grant requested?
  • FROM __________ 20 _ _ to _________ 20 _ _

    Please provide reference letters from a pastor/bishop, and one other from a teacher, employer, or person with knowledge of your situation. STEP Students do not need to provide reference letters. INSTRUCTIONS: Please have the references send an email recommendation to Mindi Hoover (mhoover@lmcchurches.org). It is important that one letter convey how your congregation will support you in this endeavor. These recommendation letters must be updated each calendar year. WITHOUT THE REFERENCE LETTERS, THE APPLICATION WILL BE CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE!
  • EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (Post-secondary students only)

  • School or InstitutionMajor/Minor/CourseDiploma, Degree, CreditsDate of Degree 
  • Share your testimony of when and why you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and what your faith means to you today.
  • LMC Grants Committee, P.O. Box 1635, Lancaster PA 17608; VERSION: August 2022

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