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Technology continues to offer many opportunities and challenges to the roles of Pastoral leadership. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology with potential that could be helpful in the church leadership role.
Bishop Dave Musser has been asked by numerous leaders within his two districts questions regarding the potential, risks, and ethics of using AI. To this end, Dave has invited Micah Musser (vitae attached) to give a seminar on AI.
This seminar registration is closed to all credentialed leaders at Gingrich Mennonite Church (100 Forney Rd, Lebanon, PA 17042, United States) Thursday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m.
Anyone who wants to register in person, please contact Bishop Dave Musser at davewmusser@gmail.com
This seminar is offered via Zoom. Artificial Intelligence Seminar (LMC) –Click here to join by Zoom
Here is the Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode: Meeting ID: 817 2330 9812 Passcode: 011380
¡¡Será grabado y traducido al español!!
Este seminario será grabado y traducido al español si deseas verlo. Mas información pronto. Visita nuestra página web www.lmcchurches.org
It will be recorded and translated into Spanish!!