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The School District of Lancaster and Dr. Damaris Rau would like to invite you, our School District of Lancaster Principals, our community Pastors, Clergy, and Faith Leaders to attend a “Meet & Greet” event on Monday, October 30th. This event will provide an opportunity for District Administrative Staff and Principals to speak directly with Lancaster’s Faith-Based Leaders to best determine ways in which congregations can collaborate and partner with our staff and schools to support the needs of our students and families.
Please join us for a complimentary coffee and dessert on Monday, October 30th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church, located at 140 East Orange Street. Please RSVP no later than October 23rd, and feel free to share this with other Pastors and Faith-Based Leaders who are interested in connecting with the School District of Lancaster, as well. We look forward to the continued discussion with you!