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Let’s join our Voices Together in God’s praise! Come to a regional hymn sing at 6 p.m. Sunday, August 19 at Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster, 328 West Orange Street, for a glimpse into the work of the Mennonite Worship and Song Committee. The new hymnal, Voices Together, is scheduled for release in 2020. Benjamin Bergey, music editor for the new hymnal, will lead the singing of your heartsongs, as well as introduce new music being considered for the collection. After the hymn sing Benjamin and Steve Carpenter, representing MennoMedia, will be available to answer questions. An offering will be received to support the production phase of the new collection. An opportunity to honor a loved one with a line in the hymnal will be presented. Come add your voice in sharing hopes and dreams for a new hymnal as we sing praise to God! For more information contact Steve Carpenter at (540) 908-3933 or SteveC@MennoMedia.org