Gospel of Mark Study Group

This is a continuation of the group that studied chapters 1-3 together,
but new people are welcome to join!

This is for anyone interested in a detailed study of and engagement with the Gospel of Mark, chapters 4-6. It is also intended as a resource for pastors and Sunday school teachers who might want to use this material as a resource for preparing a sermon series or a Sunday school class on the Gospel of Mark.

No Meeting Times!

This group will be all virtual – video and written materials will be posted on Google Classroom. You can work through the material at your own pace each week. We will then interact as a group through Google Classroom class comments and an optional 30-minute Zoom check-in. This is a twelve-week study. We will look at one passage a week. The material will be posted every Wednesday. It will begin the week of September 8th-14th and will end the week of December 1st -7th. (No work on Thanksgiving week).

Please register by September 2nd

To register please contact William at whiggins@lmcchurches.org

This educational opportunity is offered to you based on the generous giving of LMC churches to the ministries of LMC. A $20 dollar donation is requested (from those who can) toward the STEP scholarship fund to train current and future leaders/pastors for LMC.  William Higgins will lead our time together. He is on staff with LMC around theological education and Anabaptist Christian identity formation. He is also an associate pastor at New Danville Mennonite Church.

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