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An art reception will be held in the new art gallery at Landis Homes September 13 featuring Nick Wetzel, a nature photographer committed to capturing the beauty of the natural world that surrounds him. Nick grew up in Bucks County and currently lives in Mount Joy with his wife, Katie, and Australian shepherd pup, Finn. Passionate about wildlife conservation and ethical photography, Nick’s subjects are never baited or lured and his photographs are exposed to limited processing. Two of Nick’s photos hang in the Owl Hill Bistro. The opening reception, to which the public is welcome, will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 13, in the Crossings Gallery located in the new Calvin G. & Janet C. High Learning & Wellness Center. The exhibit will continue to be on display through October 2018. For more information, visit landishomes.org or call 717-381-3550.