Endowment Fund Applications for LMC Grants

The LMC Endowment Fund receives and administers long-term gifts to LMC.  It provides a vehicle for gifts above and beyond budgeted giving to be invested and use to further the ongoing mission of LMC.  

The purpose of the LMC Grant Committee is to disburse grant monies to support the following capacity-building functions within LMC. There are three general categories of funds available:

  • Education Grants: leadership enrichment, education, and development opportunities – for Education Grant click here (applications are due January 15 and July 15 each year)
  • Ministry Grants: discipleship, church multiplication resourcing and missional projects (mobilization), intercultural competency.
  • Pastoral Health and Wellness Grants: counseling, marriage and family enrichment.

For Ministry and Pastoral Health & Wellness Grants application click here (applications are due May 15 each year)

Applicants must meet the following general criteria to be eligible for a grant:

a. Applicant must be a member, leader, or emerging leader of an LMC congregation.

b. Applicant must supply two written recommendations (with the exception of STEP students, they do not need to provide recommendations):

  1. from a pastor or bishop/overseer
  2. from the congregational board chair, elder team or other appropriate governing body

c. Applicant must complete the grant application (see above)

d. Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate congregational or organizational commitment to the project, which should include financial commitment.

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