Category: From around LMC

COVID-19 Relief

The financial impact on LMC congregations is very uneven. Many congregations lost income when members lost jobs or suffered reduced hours at work. In some cases, small business owners lost their business. The virtual school sometimes resulted in one parent remaining at home to provide child care and education support. The finances of two-income households then had reduced funds to work with. In all of… Read More


LMC-ACC Meeting: In May, leaders from LMC met with ACC leadership to continue work on building relationships between the two groups.  LMC-MC USA Meeting: In June for the third year in a row, Keith Weaver, LMC moderator, and other LMC leaders met with a group of MC USA leaders. The gathering continues a process put in place by Ervin Stutzman as LMC was leaving MC… Read More

Discovery en Spanish (Español)

Tras el interés del CIES (Consejo Shalom), un equipo tradujo el Curso de Descubrimiento al español. Peter Cook, Susan Hochstedler, Alexis Roman, Brinton Rutherford y Daniel Sanchez navegaron por el esfuerzo. El curso Discovery , un proceso de discipulado básico de ocho sesiones, se puso en línea en 2021. Las congregaciones y distritos ahora pueden acceder a este material a través de Google Classroom. Además,… Read More

NYC District Starts Eight New Churches

NYC District Starts 8 New Churches: The New York City district reported eight new church starts during 2019. The new starts as as follows: a new Garifuna plant in Tampa, led by Pastor Selvin Peppersburg a new Garifuna plant in Atlanta, led by Pastor Deo Arauz a new plant at 344 Brook Ave, Bronx, started by Linda Rodriguez a new group meeting at King of… Read More

Discovery Course

The Fall Discovery Course at Shiloh Mennonite Church in Reading completed January 22. Elizabethtown Mennonite Church and Goods Mennonite Church have courses planned for the Winter months. Alive Church Ephrata will offer the Discovery Course in the Spring, beginning in March. Discovery seeks to help Christians hear the voice of God, better know themselves, and plan for growth toward what each hears God calling them.… Read More

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