“A Foretaste of Revelation 7:9” As a member of the Bishop Elder Team, I had the privilege of being invited to speak at the annual assembly of the Southeast Mennonite Conference District of LMC. I was hosted by bishops Juanita & Eligio Nuñez and Lee Miller. Lee had written to me earlier with the following request. “Thanks so much for confirming your coming to SMC’s Annual Assembly. We would like… Read More
Bishop Elders Team Monthly Email – Correo mensual del Equipo de Obispos Ancianos Esta carta está traducida al Español después de la de Ingles “What is a Disciple?”by Bishop Keith Blank Recently several of us on the Bishop Elder Team attended the Exponential conference where more than 5000 church leaders met together for four days on the theme, A Return to Disciple-Making. I was inspired by the passionate commitment of those gathered to return to making disciples. As we’ve focused… Read More
Bishop Elders Team Monthly email~Correo Electrónico mensual del Equipo de Obispos Ancianos Bishop Elders Team Monthly Email Submitted by Marcia Mylin The Kingdom Where Jesus is King! In preparation for 2024, the bishop elders team discerned that we should focus on the theme of “kingdom” for this year. In our first email of 2024, Keith Blank identified four key areas to help us understand what it means to live as kingdom people. As a follow up to Keith’s email, this month we… Read More
Bishop Elder Team Bi-Weekly Email (Final) – Correo electrónico quincenal del Equipo de Obispos Ancianos (final) Esta carta está traducida al Español después de la de Ingles January 31, 2024 “May Your Kingdom Come” Jesus taught his disciples this prayer . . . We call it “The Lord’s Prayer” and pray it often . . . “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. May thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us… Read More
Bishop Elders Team Biweekly Letter~Carta Quincenal del Equipo de Obispos Ancianos Carta Traducida al Español después de la de Ingles. The Gun at the Bottom of a Pond Written by Bishop Tuyen NguyenTuyen Nguyen Today, in the state of Illinois, on the west side of Chicago there is a gun lying at the bottom of one of the ponds. This gun belonged to a Vietnamese Captain of a merchant ship, which was used to carry cargoes… Read More
Bishop Elders Team Biweekly Email – Carta quincenal del Equipo de Obispos Ancianos Esta carta está traducida al Español después de la de Ingles “Advent – Coming” As we entered the advent season, it was in the midst of my own pondering of God’s coming to us at a personal and corporate level. He came to us in the person of Jesus. He is with us and “comes to us” each day, and . . . He is coming back… Read More
Bishop Elders Team Bi-weekly email A Blue Crab Story Esta carta está traducida al Español después de la de Ingles by Tuyen Nguyen One Saturday late summer afternoon in a North Carolina crabber town, after the worship service at a house of a believer in the area, a young couple who had been with this group off and on for about three years, came to my table and sat across from me.… Read More
Bishop Elders Team Biweekly Email – Carta quincenal del Equipo de Obispos Ancianos Esta carta está traducida al Español después de la de Ingles “Thankfulness . . . Expectancy . . . Discipleship” As I reflect back on our Fall Leadership Assembly on the last day of September, I’m so thankful for the sense of unity, joy, and delight that we experienced together as we listened to TED talks from six young leaders in the movement, spent time sharing and… Read More
Bishop Elders Team Bi-weekly email Video con CC en Español y carta traducida al Español después de Ingles September 18, 2023 “Roots and Wings” As we look forward to our Fall Leadership Assembly in less than two weeks, much is on our minds and hearts as bishop elders. It was only one year ago, at last year’s fall assembly where we were commissioned by Keith Weaver into our work as bishop elders.… Read More
Bishop Elders Team Biweekly Email – Carta quincenal del Equipo de Obispos Ancianos August 28, 2023by Tuyen Nguyen Regret “Don’t do anything that you would regret!” I am sure that we all have heard this before. I would like to share to you about my “regret” and how this has changed my entire thinking and approach toward evangelism. One day in June 2009, I led a team from Philadelphia Mennonite Church to Elizabeth City, North Carolina to take… Read More