Category: Uncategorized

Juntos en Misión

Escrito por Mercedes Thomas Aceptar el riesgo y el desafío con los demás Conocí a Jesús a los dieciocho años sentada en el suelo polvoriento de un centro de retiros. Había empezado mi primer año de universidad deprimida, sola y buscando un sentido. Y ahí es donde Jesús me encontró, en un momento crucial de mi vida en el que miraba hacia atrás a lo… Read More

Cử hành Phép Báp-têm của Tín hữu – Cộng đồng Hội thánh của LMC

Bởi Wiliam Higgins và Sherri Martin  LMC, một cộng đồng các hội thánh Anabaptist, là bằng chứng sống cho cam kết của chúng tôi trong việc tiếp tục sứ mệnh của Chúa Jêsus trên đất với tư cách là một phong trào do Thánh Linh dẫn dắt. Nguồn gốc của phong trào Anabaptist bắt nguồn từ Zurich, Thụy Sĩ, vào năm 1525, khi Conrad Grebel làm… Read More

International Partner Delegate Day

 On April 12, 2024, the International Partner Delegates (IPD) of LMC held a gathering to reflect, share, and provide resources for one another. During the meeting, it was noted that IPDs are discovering new ways to connect people from their congregations and districts to the world. This is seen as a positive development. For instance, a group of women from the Belize Evangelical Mennonite Church… Read More

Boundary Lines in Pleasant Places

STEP Student Reflection (Year 1) by Elvin Kennel By Elvin Kennel In my faith journey, I have experienced several times where I felt that God was clearly nudging me into a “path shift.” Three years ago, I felt a renewed nudge that my ministry was to shift from that of a schoolteacher and administrator into another ministry. After thirty-six years of my ministry in the… Read More


Esta carta está traducida al Español después de la de Ingles Bi-weekly emailNovember 2023 “Unwrapped”As I have been pondering the story of Lazarus from John 11, two verses in particular have captured my attention and imagination. John 11:43,44 – When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around… Read More

Women’s Global Village

From the Margins to the Marketplace Together Women’s Global Village believes in the vision of empowering immigrant women. Elizabeth Soto and community volunteers gather with immigrant women weekly as they engage in healing arts, sewing, learning English, and telling their stories. Childcare is provided. On April 26, a graduation ceremony was held at HUB 450 for the twenty-five women who completed the twelve-week program.

North Penn District

Bishop Timothy Darling (Agape Fellowship) Bishop Dale Rintelman, Four congregations in Jersey Shore, Milton, Trout Run, and Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear–hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. — Jude 22-23

Bishop Elders Team Weekly Email – Carta Semanal del Equipo de Ancianos Obispos

Weekly Email, March 27, 2023 Esta carta está traducida al Español después de la de Ingles As my cousin and I were navigating our way through a crowded street, from the southwest to the northeast of Saigon, we were very happy that friends of my cousin, a family of three had made a decision to believe in the Lord Jesus. However, it looked like that we would… Read More

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