News & Stories

Wellspan EAP for LMC Credentialed Leaders

WellSpan EAP (Employee Assistance Program) is a confidential counseling services program that an employer offers to its employees and their families to help them with any personal problem that may affect their well-being, job performance, home life, and health. LMC credentialed and retired pastor family units receive three (3) EAP counseling sessions a year (from March to February) at no cost, with no co-pays or… Read More

Blue Ridge: A New District of LMC

Six congregations in Virginia recently formed the Blue Ridge District of LMC. They include Early Church, Eastside Church, Grace Mennonite Fellowship, Iglesia Christiana Enciende una Luz, Mosaic of Grace, and Trissels Mennonite Church. Peter Eberly and Jason Showalter-Rhodes will serve as interim Bishops in the new affiliation.

Arca de Salvación

DistrictSoutheast Mennonite Conference LocationFort Myers, Florida Average Sunday Attendance300 Worship ServiceSunday 11:05 am Bible StudyWednesday 7:30 p.m. Pastor Domingo Marcial is the lead pastor of Arca de Salvación. His passion to preach and teach the Word of God challenges the church to follow God as God fills them with the Spirit. Founded1985 Learn MoreFor more information about Arca de Salvacion visit: Arca de Salvación FB… Read More

Conference Executive Council of LMC

The Conference Executive Council (CEC) of LMC is actively exploring the role of governance in furthering the mission of a Spirit-led movement. Along with the Bishop Elder Team, CEC is dedicated to examining and developing a governance structure that meets LMC’s present needs and ensures its effectiveness for years to come. The current officers serving on the council are Bishops Alvin C. Motley, Chair; Daryl… Read More

A Message from the Shalom New Editors

We would like to express our gratitude to Sandra Granthon Roman for her unwavering dedication in serving as the Contributing Editor of Shalom News for the past few years. Her boundless creativity, commitment to LMC, and deep appreciation for God’s beauty have been a great source of inspiration in this role. We wish her and her husband, Alexis, all the best as they continue to… Read More

Aquí estoy

Por Adalberto Santiago Recientemente, comencé a orar fervientemente debido a la presión de tener demasiados deberes y responsabilidades, la enfermedad de mi esposa Jenny y la sensación de que Dios quería que nuestra congregación pasara de tener un solo líder a tener un equipo de liderazgo compuesto por varias personas. Mientras oraba, otros se unieron a mí y Dios comenzó a movernos. Se llamó a… Read More

Here I am

By Adalberto Santiago Recently, I began to pray earnestly due to the pressure of too many duties and responsibilities, my wife Jenny’s illness, and a sense that God wanted to transition our congregation from a single leader to a multi-person leadership team. As I prayed, others joined me, and God started to move us. The entire congregation was called to a season of prayer and… Read More

Celebración de la Cena del Señor en la comunidad de Iglesias de LMC

Escrito por Al Stoltzfus “Esto es mi cuerpo“, dijo Jesús a sus discípulos el día de la fiesta de los panes ázimos, cuando se sacrificaba el cordero pascual. Jesús estaba a punto de entregarse para ser el cordero del sacrificio. Mateo, Marcos y Lucas contienen una narración de la Última Cena (Mt 26:17-30; Mc 14:12-26; Lc 22:7-23) en la que Jesús, en el contexto de… Read More

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper in LMC’s Fellowship of Churches

By Al Stoltzfus “This is my body,” Jesus said to his disciples on the day of the festival of unleavened bread when the Passover lamb was sacrificed. Jesus was about to give himself to be the sacrificial lamb. Mathew, Mark and Luke all contain a Last Supper narrative (Mt 26:17-30; Mk 14:12-26; Lk 22:7-23) in which Jesus, in the context of the Passover meal, took… Read More

Did your wallet get baptized?

by LMC Stewardship Team The story is told of Sam Houston, a hero of Texas history, who gave his life to the Lord in the later years of life and asked to be baptized. He was taken down to a little country stream, and the pastor said, “General Houston, you should take your glasses off because I am going to immerse you in water.” There… Read More

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