News & Stories

Bautismo en la Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Manantial de Vida

Por Pastor Hugo Garcia Dios les bendiga, soy el pastor Hugo García y junto a mi esposa Ivania, hemos pastoreado la Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Manantial de Vida en la ciudad de Camden en el sur de New Jersey. Recientemente estuvimos celebrando treinta años en el ministerio pastoral, junto a toda la congregación y puedo decir que desde que respondimos al llamado de Dios a este… Read More

Baptism at … Manantial de Vida Evangelical Mennonite Church

By Pastor Hugo Garcia  God bless you. My name is Pastor Hugo García, and with my wife Ivania, we lead the Manantial de Vida Evangelical Mennonite Church in Camden in southern New Jersey. Recently, we celebrated thirty years of ministry. As pastors, my wife Ivania and I, along with the entire congregation, can say that since we responded to God’s call to this beautiful ministry,… Read More

Baptism at… Yorks Corners Mennonite Church

By Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster By Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster For our rural congregation, baptism is both unique to us, and carries a worldwide thread seen among Anabaptists.  It begins when someone has demonstrated their walk with God and voices an interest in being baptized.  From there, we have a multi-week class that defines the importance of salvation, discipleship, and what baptism means both personally… Read More

The Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (1995)

LMC holds this confession as our statement of faith and encourages its use for teaching and nurturing in our midst. While the confession is clearly subject to the authority of Scripture, it provides our best corporate understanding of what Scripture teaches on matters of faith and practice. As such, it provides a foundation for unity among us and a helpful summary for others interested in… Read More

Baptism at… Iglesia Nuevo Amanecer of Evangelical Garifuna Church of Boston

By Pastor Ricardo Ordoñez Baptism at Camp Deerpark on the weekend of July 4, 2022. Photos by Jeremias Blanco. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 (NIV)  Jesus Christ, in His divine authority, delegates the power to all his disciples, who are born again. Each… Read More

Baptism at … Oxford Circle

By Pastor Lynn Parks At Oxford Circle Mennonite Church, we love to celebrate and share stories.  Our practices around baptism reflect this.  For several years, we offered a yearly class to middle and high school students, teaching them the contents of the Confession of Faith.  This teaching is presented through the story of Jesus and church history.  At the end of this class, the students… Read More

Baptism In… Vietnamese Mennonite Churches

By Bishop Tuyen Nguyen Baptism is a very important event for the Vietnamese Mennonite Church in the United States and Vietnam. To us, it is a commitment and a sign that a believer becomes a part of the community of Christ.  It is a demonstration of a new life, submitting to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is also a picture of becoming one… Read More

Cử hành Phép Báp-têm của Tín hữu – Cộng đồng Hội thánh của LMC

Bởi Wiliam Higgins và Sherri Martin  LMC, một cộng đồng các hội thánh Anabaptist, là bằng chứng sống cho cam kết của chúng tôi trong việc tiếp tục sứ mệnh của Chúa Jêsus trên đất với tư cách là một phong trào do Thánh Linh dẫn dắt. Nguồn gốc của phong trào Anabaptist bắt nguồn từ Zurich, Thụy Sĩ, vào năm 1525, khi Conrad Grebel làm… Read More

EMM Chapel at HUB450

April 30, 2024, was a day to remember at EMM and LMC. During a morning Chapel service, Bishop Keith Blank ordained Lorri Bentch, EMM Mission Director. The ceremony was filled with beauty, meaning, and inspiration as Lorri reflected on God’s presence throughout her life and ministry. All were uplifted by the anointed prayers and fellowship.


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