James Sutton began as bishop in the new Eastern Ohio District, which has five congregations. James Sutton’s vision is to encourage pastors and congregations to continue and advance the work of Christ, the work of disciple making and kingdom building through personal prayer and evangelism, public proclamation and invitation, and engagement with our communities through “good Samaritan” works of love and compassion. He lives in Painesville, Oh.
J. Nelson Bechtold was installed as bishop of the Elizabethtown and York Districts in February. The two districts total six congregations. Previously pastor at Goods Mennonite Church, Bechtold steps in to replace Clair Good, who resigned in 2016 and took an assignment in Congo with MCC. Bechtold and his wife Connie live in Bainbridge. His passion is to see the church grow, not only in discipleship, but also in missional vision in our local communities. His prayer is that God would “use us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing” (2 Corinthians 2:14-15).