LOCATION: 201 West High Street, Manheim, Pa. 17545
SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE: Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service – 10:30 a.m.
Joseph A. Stahl – Lead Pastor, D. David Martin – Associate Pastor,
pictured with his wife Eileen pictured with his wife Robin
Manheim Mennonite Church began in 1896 for retirees moving from farm to town. As a small church, we have wondered about our viability for the future, but we always come back to the calling God has for us. Our vision is threefold. First, we proclaim Jesus Christ by teaching and nurturing those within our fellowship. Second, we seek opportunities to call our community to the saving grace of Jesus. Lastly, we endeavor to be a vibrant fellowship of Christian believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit as we minister to those whom God brings to us. We desire these things ourselves and for those around us.
Many of our youth grew up with a vision to serve in global mission around the world, often through Eastern Mennonite Missions. We have invested in foreign mission with people and finances for decades.
A major community outreach occurs each year at Halloween. We are asked on occasion, why we support this holiday in the community. We see it as taking Jesus outside the walls of the church building to people who are not likely to come inside. We believe our participation provides an opportunity to shine the light of Christ on a dark night. We set up a large light to literally and figuratively dispel the darkness of the night. Members serve hot chocolate and give children bags of treats (over 500 bags this year). Outdoor seating allows space to eat, fellowship, listen and share with any who gather. We provide a drawing for free Christian children’s books that are then delivered to the home after the event. There is a prayer request box and we will pray with anyone who asks.
We care about each other and use our gifts to serve in different ways. For example, this year we put on a porch roof of a man from Manheim , who attends our congregation. Two women from our congregation provide teatime with Bible study and prayer. Several women supply meals for an elderly woman in the community. The men have a prayer meeting at Corner House Grill, a local Manheim restaurant, for fellowship and prayer.