by Steve Shank
When I graduated from college in my early twenties, I was not really following Jesus. I knew about Jesus, but I wasn’t on fire for God until I connected with a group of believers that challenged and changed my life. There I met Jesus as a real person, and I was filled with the Holy Spirit. For me everything changed. I caught the revelation that Jesus loves me, Steve Shank. All the old things passed away. I needed the filling of the Holy Spirit. We all need the Holy Spirit. We don’t necessarily need more teaching, but we do need transformation. We need a revelation of Jesus such that we just can’t help but share the good news.
One of the leaders of the church asked if I would go on a lay-witness mission. For me this involved going to other churches to work with the youth groups. So I did. I did not know what to do. All I knew was Jesus.The youth would gather in a room, and I would tell them about Jesus. I would put a chair in the middle of the room. With one person at a time in the chair, the kids would gather around and pray for one another. What happened is that Jesus showed up! These youth started weeping, confessing, and repenting. Their lives changed. Not because of me, but because of Jesus. The parents waited outside the door for their youth. This went on for weeks as we went to different churches.
After a couple months of this, the deacon at the church came to me with tears in his eyes and told me that I wouldn’t be able to go anymore. I asked if I had done something wrong. He said there was just too much happening among the youth, and by the way, the senior pastor wanted to talk to me. I thought maybe that was a good sign that the senior pastor wanted to talk to me. I went to his office with expectancy. The senior pastor told me there was something wrong with me. Confused, I asked what was wrong. He said, “you have excessive happiness.”
Well, you see, when you get the revelation of Jesus, you get the revelation of the joy of salvation. We are messengers. We are on a mission, whether that mission is across the street, at the grocery store, or around the world. We have a message. That message is, “Jesus Christ changed my life.” He can change your life. We need that kind of revelation of Jesus. I pray, “Holy Spirit fill us anew with your revelation power of Jesus. Fill us with your power to be a witness.” Those who catch that kind of revelation cannot help but tell others about Jesus. They too will suffer from excessive happiness.
I pray, “Holy Spirit fill us anew with your revelation power of Jesus. Fill us with your power to be a witness.” Swhahili Ninaomba, “Roho Mtakatifu tujaze upya na ufunuo wako nguvu ya Yesu. Tujaze nguvu zako kuwa shahidi. ” Amheric እኔ እጸልያለሁ ፣ “መንፈስ ቅዱስ በኢየሱስ ራዕይ ኃይልዎ እንደገና በአዲስ ይሞላን ፡፡ ምስክር እንድንሆን በኃይልህ ሙላን ፡፡ ”
I pray, “Holy Spirit fill us anew with your revelation power of Jesus. Fill us with your power to be a witness.”
Swhahili Ninaomba, “Roho Mtakatifu tujaze upya na ufunuo wako nguvu ya Yesu. Tujaze nguvu zako kuwa shahidi. ”
Amheric እኔ እጸልያለሁ ፣ “መንፈስ ቅዱስ በኢየሱስ ራዕይ ኃይልዎ እንደገና በአዲስ ይሞላን ፡፡ ምስክር እንድንሆን በኃይልህ ሙላን ፡፡ ”