by Pledge Gwamzhi with introduction and conclusion by Paris Rossiter
Pledge and his family attend Capital Christian Fellowship after moving from Nigeria to the USA, now almost 10 years. He and his family are very active in the life of the congregation. His older sister is a worship leader. His older brother has served on the worship and production technical team. His parents teach classes, organize prayer initiatives, and share from the pulpit or in a small group. One could easily say that if Jesus calls them to it, they pour themselves into it.
COVID-19 generated many changes in the life of this family. One thing that has not changed is their commitment to continue pressing into the promises of God in their lives and in the lives of the people around them. These are promises that never change. They continue to pray, lead worship, volunteer, and lean into God’s word. Pledge wrote this article to share his thoughts on the changes he experienced.
I thought life was perfect. Nothing bad can happen. Then COVID-19 came and took my house captive. It was April 15, 2020, my parent’s 25th-anniversary. Due to pandemic restrictions, we were at home. Suddenly, my Dad began to have difficulty breathing. I called my mother and my sister, and they rushed over to help. My Mom called our neighbor, who is a doctor. She checked his oxygen level and found it had dipped below the norm. My mother and sister then took him by car to the hospital. My mother came home without my father and did the only thing she knew to do; she prayed. We all prayed. Little did I know, what we thought would take seven hours has gone on for seven months.
After the first month, I was sure God wasn’t listening to us, so I began to withdraw and seclude myself from others. I did not want to talk with others. I stopped praying. Over the next six months, both of my Mom’s parents died, and my Dad remained in the hospital. One night, I remembered my father´s words, ¨an orange well-squeezed produces good juice.¨ So that night, I prayed. At this writing, my Dad is still in the hospital, but I know my pressing and my praying produces good juice. God bless you.
As a congregation, we continue to pray for restoration and healing for Ladep, and we do all that we can to hold his family close during this time of hardship. We welcome the prayers of those reading this article. Many things have changed during the past year, yet God’s promises stay the same. In the Bible, God comforts His people over and over, saying things like “I will never leave you, nor forsake you (1 Chron 28:20; 1 Kings 8:57; Deut 31:6; Josh 1:5). Let us remember His word, be rooted in His promises, and be transformed daily by His unfailing love.♦
Spanish: Una noche, recordé las palabras de mi padre, “una naranja bien exprimida da buen jugo”. Así que esa noche oré. En el momento de escribir esto, mi papá todavía estaba en el hospital, pero sé que mi presión y mi oración producen un buen jugo. Dios los bendiga.
Una noche, recordé las palabras de mi padre, “una naranja bien exprimida da buen jugo”. Así que esa noche oré. En el momento de escribir esto, mi papá todavía estaba en el hospital, pero sé que mi presión y mi oración producen un buen jugo. Dios los bendiga.
French: Un soir, je me suis souvenu des paroles de mon père, «une orange bien pressée produit du bon jus.» Alors ce soir-là, j’ai prié. Au moment d’écrire ces lignes, mon père est toujours à l’hôpital, mais je sais que mon pressage et ma prière produisent du bon jus. Que Dieu te bénisse.
Un soir, je me suis souvenu des paroles de mon père, «une orange bien pressée produit du bon jus.» Alors ce soir-là, j’ai prié. Au moment d’écrire ces lignes, mon père est toujours à l’hôpital, mais je sais que mon pressage et ma prière produisent du bon jus. Que Dieu te bénisse.