New officers of LMC were recently affirmed. Assistant moderator Stephen Weaver and secretary Lloyd Hoover stepped away from those positions in early 2021. Bishop Al Motley, the pastor at Way Thru Christ, Chester, PA, was affirmed as the new assistant moderator. Supervisor Adalberto Santiago, also the pastor of the Congregación Menonita Shalom, was affirmed as the new secretary.
R. Alan Kauffman (Nancy) was placed as bishop for the new Central Penn District. Kauffman’s vision is to encourage local congregations to see themselves as missional outposts in their communities, using their unique giftedness to make disciples and make use of the opportunities God gives to share the Good News of Jesus’ love for the whole world.
M. John Nissley (Lois) leads the new Great Lakes West district. His vision for the district is expressed by Colossians 2:2 (NIV): “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.”
Karl McKinney joined the LMC staff in September as Intercultural Minister. McKinney has extensive experience as a pastor in LMC and in congregations in Virginia and Chicago. He also served for a time with Mennonite Mission Network. Within LMC, he served on a number of committees, including the Strategic Directions Task Force. He is a member of the African-American Intercultural Leadership Team. He holds a Master’s degree in Mission from Asbury Theological Seminary and a BA in Interpersonal and Group Communication from Trinity International University. He also has experience with the Intercultural Development Inventory.
Sandra Granthon-Roman is preparing to serve as a part-time contributing editor for Shalom News. She will work alongside Sherri Martin to create each issue of the magazine. Sandra is married to Alexis Roman. They are members at Iglesia Restauración en Cristo. She merges her gifts in ministry, discovering the creative joy in the Kingdom.