Celebrating Believer’s Baptism in LMC’s Fellowship of Churches

By Wiliam Higgins and Sherri Martin  

LMC, a fellowship of Anabaptist churches, is a living testament to our commitment to continue Jesus’ mission on earth as a Spirit-led movement. The roots of the Anabaptist movement can be traced back to Zurich, Switzerland, in 1525, when Conrad Grebel baptized George Blaurock in Felix Manz’s house. This act of baptism, followed by George Blaurock baptizing several others who confessed their faith, symbolizes our belief that baptism is a personal yet communal act that signifies a confession of faith in Christ and our covenant pledge to walk in the way of Jesus. By aligning our lives with Jesus as the Lord of everything, we are united in our perspective of the world through God’s reign. 

According to the 1995 Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, baptism is a powerful sign of new life in Christ that calls us to fully commit our lives to following Jesus. Water baptism is celebrated in the community for those who have reached the age of accountability. It signifies the cleansing of sin and the identification with Christ in His death and resurrection. Jesus requested water baptism at the beginning of His earthly ministry, and we follow in His footsteps. He sent His disciples into the world to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

Baptism is also a testimony of the gift of the Holy Spirit given to each follower of Jesus upon repentance of sin and confession of faith (Spirit baptism). It calls us to identify with Jesus in His suffering, with a commitment to loving our enemies, renouncing violence, and embracing peace even to the point of death (baptism of suffering). Like our Anabaptist predecessors, in some parts of the world today, participating in a believer’s baptism carries the risk of sacrificing one’s life.

During the baptismal services, whether held in a local church building or a body of water like a pond or swimming pool, a profound sense of joy and celebration fills the air. This is a time when we collectively praise God for His power and handiwork in regenerating souls. Many express their gratitude by glorifying Jesus’ name and acknowledging the transformative power of His love. This celebration serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the beauty that can arise and the hope available to all seeking Jesus.

We understand that the baptismal service holds a special place in the hearts of many within LMC’s community of churches. Each congregation has unique traditions and practices that make this occasion an unforgettable experience and cherished event. The following pages offer a glimpse into the wonderful and heartfelt baptisms within our fellowship of churches.

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