Baptism at… Yorks Corners Mennonite Church

By Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster

By Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster

For our rural congregation, baptism is both unique to us, and carries a worldwide thread seen among Anabaptists.  It begins when someone has demonstrated their walk with God and voices an interest in being baptized.  From there, we have a multi-week class that defines the importance of salvation, discipleship, and what baptism means both personally and in the community of believers.  There are portions of the class that touch on history, doctrine, and maintaining one’s walk as a disciple who makes disciples. 

During our Baptism service, the people who will be baptized make a confession of faith before those gathered and share their stories that brought them to this momentous occasion.  Some choose to be baptized by pouring, while others choose immersion. In years past, our baptisms have taken place in backyard pools and farm ponds. Most often, though, on baptism Sunday, which is usually on a warm summer day, you will find our congregation walking the half mile down the road to the Genesee River.

Lining the banks and looking over the rails of the bridge, the baptisms take place surrounded by family, friends, and God’s magnificent creation. There is a very real sense of solemnity along with celebration when believers choose to make this declaration. As they follow the example of Jesus, symbolically being buried and resurrected to abundant and eternal life, songs echo through the valley as the baptized and the community rejoice together.  

Yorks Corners Mennonite Church is situated in the heart of Wellsville, New York, and is part of the North Penn District of LMC. The church is home to a friendly and authentic community that engages in vibrant worship and receives messages from God’s Word. They offer various activities for children and youth and are a caring faith community where Jesus transforms lives. Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster serves as co-lead pastor along with Pastor Matt Havens.

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